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Sacred Spirituality

What do you think of when you read, sacred spirituality?

Maybe you think of mountain peaks, euphoric unexplainable experiences, Gurus, or men and women in white robes chanting. Maybe you even picture extreme things like levitation or maybe some movie created version of spirituality.

I want to clear this up. Sacred Spirituality is what moves you to be more, let go, release the burdens, and inspires you to be your full authentic self! It can look like anything because each person is a unique soul in human form! Now, that might feel like a lot but truly it's up to you. So, where do you start?

Start with something simple.

  • Spirituality IS the opportunity to know yourself in new and deeper ways.

  • Spirituality IS a journey of exploration.

  • Spirituality IS a practice that supports your growth

  • Spirituality is NOT a religious practice, although it can be if you feel inspired, hopeful and connected.

  • Spirituality is NOT a set of rules that defines or directs.

What inspires you?

Prayer, poetry, a beautiful sunrise, a yummy meal...

What gives you hope?

A kitty or puppy, a kind act, a hug, a smile...

What gives you joy?

a long run, a flower, completing a project, music

Trust yourself! Try something new. Allow yourself the pleasure of discovery. Keep trying until you find that "thing" that moves you and connects with with a part of yourself that feels expansive, beautiful, and sacred.

Remember you are a unique, beautiful, worthy, lovable SOUL in a human body. You are made of the stars so let your light shine!

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